The HOYA Sq100 Holder Kit principally includes two geared adapters which can attach the holder to a lens with a front lens diameter of either 86mm or 82mm. For other smaller lens sizes, Adapter Rings can be purchased that allow the holder to be attached to their corresponding size.
HOYA offers adapter rings for the following sizes:
First, check the size of the filter diameter of your lens. The size is usually written on the back side of the lens cap, but can also be found in the manual of your lens.
After acquiring the corresponding adapter ring, attach the 86mm-86mm geared adapter (included in the Sq100 Holder Kit) to the holder. Then, attach the adapter ring to the geared adapter. Now you can successfully attach the holder to your lens.
In order to avoid purchasing one of those counterfeit filters we highly recommend to purchase only from official retailers that are recognized by HOYA's official global distributors. Prior the purchase kindly inquire and verify whether a retailer is authorized by HOYA global distributors. You may find the contact in the HOYA global distributors list.